The most important piece of motorcycle gear that you can own is a helmet. The only coolest bit of motorcycle gear which you could own, however, is an awesome motorcycle jacket. Humans differ greatly. Height, weight, hair color, person proclivities for your Left or Right Twix; in the outside, you would think the gap in the spectrum between us! In the center, we need protection from weather, impact, and abrasion. A motorcycle jacket is a good place. In this article, we're breaking down the various motorcycle jacket types and styles, as well as the best uses for each. Leather motorcycle jackets From the Museum of Modern Art in New York, there is a black leather coat on screen. Because it's an icon of design and style, it's there. There's a specific image in your head, right when you think of a biker jacket? Pioneered by Irving Schott in the 1920s, the first committed motorcycle jacket design combined motorcyclists' needs with the most recent garment technolog...