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The Essentials You Need To Buy For Your Motorcycle Ride 


  • A leather motorcycle jacket is essential for any motorcyclist. A good quality leather jacket will protect the wearer from abrasions and road rash in accidents. Leather jackets are also great because they can be tailored to fit your personal style. Some people may prefer a fitted motorcycle bracelet with short sleeves while others may opt for an unaltered sleeve length to give them more protection or warmth on their arms. 

  • A motorcycle jacket should be selected with an eye for safety. For example, back or kidney area injuries are often caused by passengers because of the lack of protection in that region. Motorcycle jackets usually come in 4-5 sizes (L, M, S, XL), and should not fit too tightly on the torso to avoid grabbing onto objects while riding the bike. They also should provide adequate protection for both back and chest; some offer greater comfort because they put padding between your upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder strap connecting it to your chest. A rider should also examine the features of the jacket before he decides on which one to purchase. There are various multi-pocketed options available with products lining these pockets, so they can hold products like glasses, phones, and other valuables during travel.

Here are some World’s safest motorcycle jacket    


  • 100% fully lined armored jacket
  • Water and stain-resistant Teflon® coating
  • Rotated, pre-curved sleeves/arms
  • Silk style liner for a nice finish and feel


  • Breathable, preventing heat build-up
  • Triple line stitched seams
  • Hidden armor pockets
  • YKK zips provide proven quality

For more product please visit :


  •  Motorcycle jeans is a much needed item in the world of motorcycles. They provide excellent protection from inclement weather, and they help to keep your legs warm . I recommend that anyone looking for a good pair should check out Resurgence Gear motorcycle jeans - Resurgence Gear produces high quality products that'll last through any journey.
  • Resurgence gear motorcycle jeans have the highest CE level abrasion rating (Level 2 / C.E AAA Certified), and they offer plenty of comforts when you are in the saddle of your beloved motorcycle. Any biker wearing these jeans can rest assured that they are wearing the best possible motorcycle jeans on the market currently to prevent the risk of placing skin on the road. We have managed to integrate remarkable structural strength into these trousers that cannot be differentiated from a normal pair of jeans, and they are tailored to incorporate D3O hip and knee protectors within the jeans themselves to look like everyday normal jeans.

Here are some World’s safest motorcycle Jeans.


  • Wick liner for moisture control
  • Flex fit for ultimate riding comfort
  • Wash safe! No loss of protection
  • Breathable, preventing heat buildup


  • 60% Pekev® Lite coverage
  • Antibacterial for hygiene
  • Wick liner for moisture control
  • Flex fit for ultimate riding comfort

For more products please visit :


  • Motorcycle armor is important because it helps riders avoid injury in the event of an accident that they might not be prepared for. Crucially, motorcycle armor can save you from injuries.
  • Motorcycle riding gear is simply incomplete without armoured components, which is why our team of designers and product engineers have given plenty of thought to our D3O armour system that’s been built free into all of the gear of $269 or above. Or can upgrade to include the D3O armour as all gear has been built to include D3O pockets if you wish to add D3O to your lighter items e.g warrior & pekev lite jeans or the plaid shirts. It is lightweight, has a minimalist look, and is made of soft and flexible materials. D3O has been designed to offer high-intensity shock and impact absorption, in case of a fall. The D3O armour system will greatly improve your chances of emerging safely.

Check out  D30 ARMOUR : HIP & KNEE SET

Always wear a helmet for added safety!


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