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World’s Safest Single Layer Motorcycle Jeans

Are you a daily motorcycle rider? Or perhaps someone who likes to ride an upscale motorbike once during a while? Riding a motorbike comes with its own joys; the gorgeous path before you, the cool breeze hitting your body, and therefore the way people check out you once you are parking your Harley. Looking sort of a badass is all cool until you're safe on your vehicle. Riding motorcycles can cause severe injuries if proper precautions aren't taken, this is often why your motorcycle apparel is extremely important.

Motorcycle riders usually tend to spend more time on biker jackets and helmets for both style and safety, but they do not bother much about the other clothing gear. Wearing leather pants or regular pants while riding isn't practical plus the fabric can cause you too sweaty when riding the bike. The regular high-street denim may sound fine as an option but you have to understand that those don't offer very much like protection.

Manufacturers know that you simply don't want to compromise with style; therefore there are many companies that design the simplest motorcycle jeans which give impact also as abrasion resistance and don't spoil your outfit, rather add on thereto.

These “New Wave” single layer motorcycle jeans feature Resurgence Gear latest breakthrough, an excellent advanced Pekev® and denim weave that have reached a record-shattering abrasion rating of 11- seconds! Pushing the limits of Aramids and Ethylene fibers, Resurgence Gear uses only the highest quality spinning techniques available. It helps in improving tensile strength and converting them into fabrics using exclusively elite blends we developed a 3rd generation PEKEV® fabric – this is one of the strongest and most stable fabrics in the world! This is often official Resurgence Gear Jeans New Wave is the World's Safest Single Layer Jeans. This is often now the highest abrasion rating pass ever for one Layer Jean.

Key Features of This New Wave Single Layer Motorcycle Jeans

  • Weight Only 850g, this makes this jean the world’s lightest jeans
  • Wash safe! wash as much as you want no loss of protection
  • No external stitching like regular jeans, this prevents the jean's stitching at the time my of abrasion 
  • No liner, world’s true safest denim
  • Slight flex for on & off-bike comfort
  • Breathable, its no like lather clothing due to denim material it preventing heat buildup
  • Hidden adjustable armor pockets, this armor safe you at the time of impact.
  • World’s safest single-layer jean
These motorcycle jeans haven't any protective liner, all the protection is within the outer layer, a bit like with leather pants only they need a way higher abrasion rating than even leather. We don’t sew a couple of patches of our patent-pending material in limited areas, instead, it’s used throughout our complete pair of jeans, supplying you with 100% protection. This also allows Resurgence Gear jeans to be super light, lighter actually than a standard pair of fashion jeans.

34 Cairns Crescent, Rototuna, Hamilton, 3210, New Zealand 

64 274884654


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