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Motorcycle protective rider gear has become a lot safer over the years since Europe introduced a CE legal standard for motorcycle clothing, known as EN13595, in 1994.

What Is CE Rating?

CE stands for “ConformitĂ© EuropĂ©ene” which is French for “European Conformity”. It's a rating that is being used on all European official documents, so you'll also find this in European motorcycle safety standards.

What are different CE Level?

There are two levels of CE protection: CE level 1 and CE level 2 protectors. Typically, you only need a CE level 1 for most tracks. However, some more advanced and higher speed track schools or races require CE level 2. Finally, the “2014” refers to the year when the standard was implemented.

Tested, Certified Or Approved?

First of all, it’s important to note that there is a difference between the terms “CE Certified” and “CE Approved”. Too many manufacturers (and you too, distributors and retailers) toss those terms out hoping, as I’ve learned, that we won’t look too far under the covers.

Manufacturers sometimes state something like “tested to meet CE Level 1”. That doesn’t necessarily mean the garment was tested in an approved testing facility.  or “CE Certified” or “CE Approved”, when the only part of the garment that might have been tested, certified or approved is the protectors. This is also false: just having certified or approved protectors doesn’t necessarily mean the rest of the garment meets the standards.

Tested: Usually means that the manufacturer tested the garment sample or samples in their own facility to meet (possibly) certain standards. But the sample may not have been sent to a certified testing facility for the official testing procedures.

Certified: Garment samples were tested at a certified testing facility and may have passed specific tests in one or more zones.

Approved: To be “CE Approved”, multiple samples of the garment must have been tested by a certified facility and certified to meet or exceed the relevant standards in all zones.

To repeat, here are the cautions: “Tested” usually means the garment was tested in the manufacturer’s facility and may not mean the entire garment was tested in each zone. Also, you have to depend on the truthfulness of the manufacturer’s claims that the garment was indeed tested according to the specific regimen outlined in the standard.

For “Certified”, it’s important to know which part or zone of the garment was certified. Also, look for the official documentation from the certified lab. Here is a sample entry from an official report. Note also that multiple samples must be tested for an average.

So if you are buying any motorcycle gear then always look for CE Rating , it is important for your safety .


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