Riding in the rain can be a challenging experience & must always respect the weather conditions than fight them. Change your riding style accordingly & stay well protected against the elements, to ensure a safe & happy journey. Below are some tips to ensure a safe & enjoyable trip. During rain, visibility can get reduced and water reduces your traction on the road as it creates a layer between your tires and the road surface. Without the correct motorcycle clothing as well, you might not feel comfortable or safe riding, that’s where Resurgence Gear can help as the protective layer called Pekev. Pekev gives you the same level of protection even in the wet. Actually, you are more likely to slide even further if you have a spill & with the world’s highest C.E abrasion-rated liner this gives you confidence with the gear you ride in by Resurgence. Read more here about Ready to Ride: Motorcycle Safety Tips for Riding in Rain
A leather motorcycle jacket is essential for any motorcyclist. A good quality leather jacket will protect the wearer from abrasions and road rash in accidents. Leather jackets are also great because they can be tailored to fit your personal style. Some people may prefer a fitted motorcycle bracelet with short sleeves while others may opt for an unaltered sleeve length to give them more protection or warmth on their arms. A motorcycle jacket should be selected with an eye for safety. For example, back or kidney area injuries are often caused by passengers because of the lack of protection in that region. Motorcycle jackets usually come in 4-5 sizes (L, M, S, XL), and should not fit too tightly on the torso to avoid grabbing onto objects while riding the bike. They also should provide adequate protection for both back and chest; some offer greater comfort because they put padding between your upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder strap connecting it to your chest. A r...
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